Saw U2 3D the other night down at Newport. Definitely a must see for anyone with any interest in U2. The 3D aspect was kinda cheesy at times but overall it added a pretty interesting dimension (no pun intended) to the experience. The movie follows the set list of a performance in Buenos Aires. There had to be tens of thousands of people at this concert. The 3D aspect of the movie did an excellent job of conveying the shear size and excitement of the crowd. The only thing I could have done without was the occasional text that rushed at you. At certain points, lyrics would appear in vibrant text and fly at you...coulda done without that. I can hear just fine, I don't need subtitles that I feel like I'm going to have to dodge at some point. However, this annoyance was more than offset by the music. The band was in rare form. There's no question why they picked this concert. The Edge is unbelievable. The stage for the event was absolutely ginormous and the dude never moves more than 30ft in either direction. He rarely looks up at the audience and never once attempts draw attention to himself. He kinda reminds me of Jimmy Paige in that respect. He lets his talent speak for itself. Of course, Bono was all over the place. Taking his jacket off, putting it back on, getting new sunglasses every five or ten seconds, changing outfits and lighting fires but what are you gonna do...it's Bono. The movie wasn't as glorifying of U2 as I thought it was going turn out though. There was a healthy focus on the band's message of peace and love and the general atmosphere of the venue. I didn't come away feeling like I had just been "re-educated" by Bono.